In literature and for some in life, one of the conflicts is Man vs. Self, which represents the epic internal battle against our weakness to make ourselves stronger. Set goals: “I am going to workout” or “I am going to rewrite this letter (repeatedly)” because we are not feckless. Mediocrity is not our state, and […]
It is interesting to see how different people/organizations choose their objectives and design their pursuit of excellence. Excellence itself means different things to different people/organizations. For some it means increasing Net Revenue, for some it means increasing IRR and for others excellence can be achieved by controlling expenses.
More so today than in the past, […]
Utilities are usually among the top three operating expenses at a multifamily community, but they are also among the most complex to forecast.
For budgeting exercises of any kind, it often makes sense to first identify what you will use as your baseline, and then identify which adjustment factors will be applied. But budgeting […]
Some time back I saw the movie The Pursuit of Happyness with Will Smith. It really inspired me to strive for excellence. While the movie focuses on the struggle of a young black man, the underlying theme was really a search for fulfilment of the protagonist’s dream. The character, Christopher Gardner, succeeded because, in all […]
As you may have heard, mobile carriers across the U.S. are shutting down their 3G networks, which rely on older technology, to make room for more advanced network service, including 5G. This shutdown will impact more than just cellphones – it impacts other devices, such as tablets, home security systems, certain medical devices and other […]
There is a lot of hullabaloo around ESG these days.
Environmental, Social and Governance, or ESG, claims and aspirations announced in corporate sustainability reports over the years are coming under scrutiny. Globally, government standards are being created to regulate corporate sustainability claims that influence investors (aka, No greenwashing!). ESG ratings organizations are also coming under […]
Historical perspective
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