An old saying has become more meaningful lately: “May you live in interesting times.” I think the last few years certainly qualify.

The pace of change has picked up. Trends have accelerated to change how we work, shop and even eat. The discipline of utility management is no exception. Changes that were building slowly before have recently accelerated to become “business as usual.”

The good news is that the changes in managing and tracking utilities have been largely positive. It’s now easier to do our jobs remotely, and quickly advancing technologies now make it easier to identify leverage points to improve property performance.

While new tech steals all the headlines and glory, one of the many things that I’m personally grateful for during these past few years is the connection with my colleagues in the Utility Management Advisory (UMA). The board members named on the masthead opposite this page are some of the most knowledgeable and collaborative professionals I’ve had the pleasure to work with in my career.

Having this group to bounce ideas off of and discuss the changes in our industry has been invaluable in tracking the evolution of utility management, especially since travel to in-person conferences is so limited. I want to provide a gentle reminder that this group is available to everyone reading this issue – each of you can access this valuable resource by visiting

While I hope we’ll all be gathering again soon at Apartmentalize, OPTECH or any of the other great live conferences, those interested in utility management will find the UMA’s live Town Halls and blog posts a great complement to stay connected and current.

Through all the challenges of the last 18-24 months, the apartment industry has emerged stronger and more energy-efficient, building on a foundation that’s more prepared for the future than ever before.

I’m excitedly looking forward to the next chapter, but I’ll be perfectly okay if it’s a little less “interesting.”


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